Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be judged against three sets of criteria: i) Scientific Value, ii) Practical Implementation and iii) Creativity and Originality. Outlined below are the three assessment areas and the nine individual criteria for evaluating all entries to the Odysseus contest.  Each criterion is assigned a weight factor that reflects the relative importance to the score of each area.  Two evaluators will assess each entry at the first round and the final score and ranking of entries will be based on the average score given to each project by the two evaluators of the national judging panel.  The final score and ranking of entries at the final round will be based on the same criteria and will be achieved through a consensus-based approach by the International Scientific Committee.

1. Scientific Quality (50%)

  • Subject relevance to the thematic category – weight 3/25 (6%)
  • Scientific accuracy – weight 10/25 (20%)
  • Ability to use facts and theory – weight 5/25 (10%)
  • Challenge and complexity of the project – weight 7/25 (14%)

2. Practical Implementation (20%)

  • Clarity and organization of the presentation – weight 3/10 (6%)
  • Quality of illustrations and layout – weight 2/10 (4%)
  • Structure of the project (Approach methodology and documentation of the chosen question) – weight 5/10 (10%)

3. Creativity and Originality (30%)  

  • Creativity – weight 10/15 (20%)
  • Originality – weight 5/15 (10%)