
Odysseus is implemented by a Consortium of four partners, carefully selected to meet the needs of the project in terms of skills, competencies and understanding of the educational, scientific, social and policy aspects of the competition, each of them bringing specific expertise and knowledge of at least one aspect of it.

Signosis, which is the project coordinator, is a Brussels based consultancy specializing on managing research activities and on providing innovative advisory services. Signosis possesses a diverse and in-depth knowhow in management consulting and its advisory areas range from Information and Communication Technologies to social policy and sustainability, as well as to additional disciplines focusing on promoting and implementing innovation in private and public organisations.  Signosis positions itself in the international market, aiming to contribute on the transition from a traditional economy to an economy based on knowledge and innovation.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) is a Greek educational organization of private law, officially recognized by the state. EA is an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance Education Network), of STEDE (Science Teacher Education Development in Europe) network and of ECSITE (European Network of Science Centres and Museums) network.  Since 1998, EA has established a devoted department, the Research and Development (R&D) Department for the design, development and implementation of research activities in education, expanding the collaboration with Universities and Research Institutions across Europe. The R&D Department acts as interface between the pedagogical research, the technological innovation and the school community. Under this approach, EA has taken up the challenge to embed pedagogical practice that effectively uses a range of ICTs in every classroom, as well as driving up student academic outcomes across the school. The emphasis of EA is to enhance teacher creativity, supporting staff through targeted professional development and opportunities. During the last years the R&D department has coordinated and supported the participation of EA in more than 80 European (eContentPlus, ICT-PSP, SiS in FP7 and FP6, IST in FP5 and ACT in FP6, LLP-ACT, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci) and National projects.

The European Physical Society (EPS) is a forum for physicists to exchange ideas. EPS publishes journals, organizes conferences and promotes Physics in Europe.    Created in 1968, the EPS is a not for profit association of physicists for physics. The EPS continues to play an important role in enhancing communication among physicists in Europe, and in bringing major issues in physics and science to the attention of the general public and policy makers.  EPS is a grass roots member driven organisation. Over 3,000 individuals, 41 national physical societies, and 50 universities, research laboratories and companies active in physics research make up the EPS membership.

EPS has 11 Divisions, covering each of the specific fields of physics research.   Representing the European physics community from all points of view, from science to policy, is one of the main roles of the EPS.  The EPS provides a European forum for physicists representing national, scientific, and topical interest. Together, they elaborate the strategic vision for the EPS, and for the European physics community.

Space Expo, since 1990, is the first museum with a permanent exhibition about space flight and the official visitors center of ESA’s establishment ESTEC in The Netherlands. As a museum with 80.000 visitors/year it communicates to the Dutch and foreign public about ESA and space flight, by means of permanent and temporary expositions and educational programs for schools. Space Expo is also a platform where industry, NGO’s, government and schools meet with each other, and with experts and astronauts from ESA.  Above that, Space Expo acts as a window display where current and future missions and developments are shown to the public, to stakeholders and relations, to industrial partners and to the different levels of government, national and international.

Space Expo’s Education department is responsible for the development and delivering of educational programs for schools. More than 15.000 students in the age of 6 to 18 visit Space Expo yearly for an educational program about one of the many expects of space flight (related to technology, physics, chemistry, biology and psychology).